Asian Memory Project

Branding Design | Graphic Design | Web Design

The Asian Memory Project (AMP) is dedicated to uniting and amplifying Asian representation through dynamic multimedia events. As an original team member under the leadership of Dorothy Le, the head coordinator and lead violinist, I had the privilege of crafting the team's distinctive branding and spearheading all design and visual aspects for our eagerly anticipated Studio Ghibli Tribute event. My creative contributions spanned across marketing platforms, encompassing captivating designs for social media, merchandise, and the website, ensuring a truly memorable and immersive experience for all.

Our debut and centerpiece event, the Studio Ghibli Tribute, was skillfully orchestrated by a talented team of Asian American musicians, a web developer, and myself as the designer. With a heartfelt mission to honor our Asian heritage, we celebrated the beloved musical compositions of Joe Hisaishi from Studio Ghibli films. The event resonated deeply with the community, as evidenced by the resounding success of two full-house, free concerts held at the Butler School of Music.

Logo Design

A Studio Ghibli Tribute


Brand + Creative at Splunk


Graphics + Visuals at Retreat Magazine